Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wikis (AKA- Can I use this as a source in my paper?) Thing 10

Wikis started to become really big when I was just starting college. (I'll let you guess which year....) At first, I didn't really pay attention to them or give them much credit. Most people (at least my age) have heard of Wikipedia. I heard this site get both a lot of respect and a lot of criticism while in school. Teachers' lips would curl at the mention of the site, and students would pop over to it for a quick look at a subject for a quick study. I for one was a bit unsure of how to feel, but soon enough jumped onto the 'love it' wagon. I love Wikis, because they allow a free flow of information that is continually going to be the newest and most updated. It's bookmarked on my computer and I stop over there at least once a week.

One of my professors (or one of my professors told me about another professor, I can't remember) that HATED all things Wiki tried to disprove their credibility. He purposefully went on a Wiki website that tried to have factual info, and listed incorrect things. Unfortunately for him, within 24 hours all of his 'mistakes' had been removed and he'd received a warning email. Although I'm not sure if Wikis should be allowed as sources, I will say that dismissing them as total rubbish is incredibly foolish.

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