Monday, April 14, 2008

The thing I wish I'd known about in college- Thing 16

Wow. Browsing through the awesomeness that is this thing led me to a note of college longing. If only I were still in college I could REALLY use these awesome tools! I was a total procrastinator in college, or at least, I never felt 'on schedule.' These assignment 'calculators' not only would keep me on track, but would help me not freak out and worry that I was behind or that I was forgetting something important. Many individuals that I know would jump at a chance to use these tools, but they are just as unaware as I was!

It would be such a great tool for both students and teachers, I can't see myself NOT recommending it to someone in need of assistance. Not only does it provide an outline, it has numerous links that go into detail on each step! With this tool I can help those who are unfamiliar with basic parts that go into a project/paper/etc... More importantly, these tools allow people to help themselves! As a person that used to tutor, it was really frustrating to help people that didn't even know where to start. They would look at me as if I knew all the answers, and it was hard to tell them that I couldn't 'make everything all better.' With these tools, I don't catch fish for them, I really teach them how to haul in the fish by the armload. And the smell of fish has never been so sweet.

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